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Why Concerts Are the Peak Entertainment for Millennials

Forget movies and TV shows. Concerts are the new peak form of entertainment for millennials. That’s right – when it comes to getting our fix of excitement and fun, we would much rather see our favorite musicians or bands live in concert than watch them on a screen. There are several reasons for this and if you want to find out, keep reading until the end, and we’ll tell you why concerts are so popular among millennials and why you should consider attending one soon.

Millennials Idolize Rockstars

guitarIf you think about it, it’s not surprising that millennials would rather see their favorite celebrities in concert than anywhere else. But why would they spend their hard-earned money to buy expensive concert tickets, let’s say, to see skinny puppy tour 2016? That’s because they grew up idolizing rockstars.

While our parents and grandparents might have had movie stars or TV personalities that they looked up to, we had musicians. We saw them as larger-than-life figures who could do no wrong – and we still do.

This is likely one of the main reasons why concerts are so popular among millennials – we want to see our idols in person and feel like we’re a part of their world, even if it’s just for a few hours.

Concerts Are Exciting

Another reason that millennials love concerts is because they’re exciting. There are mosh pits, crowd surfing, and people everywhere – it’s a lot different from watching a movie or TV show where you’re just sitting in your seat the whole time.

At a concert, you can feel the crowd’s energy and the music pulsing through your body. It’s an adrenaline rush like no other, and it’s something that millennials crave.

Concerts Bring People Together

concertFinally, concerts are popular among millennials because they bring people together. In an increasingly digital world, it’s nice to be able to attend an event where you can actually see and interact with other people. At a concert, you can make new friends, share your love of music with others, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

So, there you have it – three reasons why concerts are the peak entertainment for millennials. If you haven’t been to one yet, we highly recommend that you do. You might just find that you enjoy it more than you thought you would. Who knows, maybe you’ll even become a concert junkie like the rest of us. Thanks for reading.

What’s your favorite concert that you’ve been to? Let us know in the comments below.…